Thursday, October 04, 2007

I'm a nurse. Maybe I can help.

I stopped by a Wendy's to pick up a soda a couple of days ago. The line was long so I decided to go to the restroom. As I got near the restroom, I heard someone screaming and one woman crying and trying to console or help someone who was very ill. All I could do was to think of how I was going to get away from it all. I was feeling guilty that I did not know what to do to help.

Above all the noise, a woman came forward saying in a most calm voice, "I'm a nurse. Maybe I can help."

Never have I been so happy to hear a nurse's voice and someone who was a take-charge kind of person. So here's to nurses everywhere--I thank you.



At 10/12/2007 9:09 AM, Blogger CREATIVEGoddess said...

Yeah, that kind of situation is tough. The only thing I'd know how to do it call out for a doctor in the house. That's about it.


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